1. Double Impact

Generally speaking, in wildlife photography the eye contact with the animal is absolutely crucial in 99% of situations. Whenever we look at a photograph of living creature, it is its eye that catches our attention right away. The more it shines, the quicker the connection between the spectator and the creature is established. It sets up a visual communication channel, through which the spectator sees deeper into the creature’s mind. In other words, it’s the animal’s eye through which we tell our story. The eye also reveals animal’s character, shows the mood which is he currently in and opens up a variety of other question. “In this case, what does the seal think? Is he happy, that I am here? Is he in a playful mood? Is he a friendly creature?” No matter, what our object is, the seal, a grouper or a shrimp, the channel always works. However, big animal’s eyes are easier for humans to scan and read.


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